S.I. Howard Glass Company specializes in the supply of high-quality flat glass components. In addition to offering a variety of standard glass parts and products, we maintain a broad range of custom glass fabrication capabilities. One of our core service offerings is machine edging, a manufacturing process we use to grind the edge of glass substrates.


Machine Edging Services

Performing this service for over 70 years, the experienced professionals at S.I. Howard Glass Company have mastered the art of edging glass. As a result, we can produce near-perfect edges while still maintaining precise tolerances. With this service, customers benefit from affordability, accuracy, and reduced processing times.

We can edge nearly any diameter, with the ability to develop square shapes, parallelisms, or any flat shapes. For precision squares, we use state-of-the-art equipment, including the following surface grinders:

We can also dice parts as small as 2mm x 2mm.  For more information, please see our precision dicing page.

We utilize our own proprietary equipment to edge diameters.  This equipment allows us to not have to wax the parts, which increases our throughput and reduces cost.  We can hold tolerances of +/- .1mm on these machines.

Precision Bevel with green machine edging

Outside of square and round shapes, and for tolerances tighter than +/- .1mm, we have CNC multi axis capabilities.

To determine whether glass edging is right for an application, customers provide drawings to our team. If we can’t complete this service based on the drawings submitted, we’ll offer different solutions. Our vast in-house capabilities and inventory enable us to complete glass edging along with a variety of other services, with backing by our ISO 9001:2015 certification. We also implement cost-effective practices to keep our services consistently affordable. Additionally, as a small business, we’re capable of making faster decisions and facilitating better communication with our customers.


Reliable Glass Fabrication Services at S.I. Howard Glass Company

If you require machine edging or other glass fabrication services, we have the expertise and resources needed to successfully complete each project. Our base of more than 400 customers includes those in industries such as biomedical, optics, aerospace, electronics, and prototyping for research and development. Based on our customers’ unique needs, we offer a selection of services, including edge grinding, polishing and grinding, dicing, CNC machining, scribe, and break and heat strengthening. We have a vast inventory across a wide array of glass types for both industry and optical applications. As of 2015, we have both ISO certification and ITAR registration. We couldn’t be prouder of our long history, products, customers, and especially the employees who enabled us to flourish.

To learn more about our machine edging or other glass fabrication capabilities, contact us today. To get started on your solution, request a quote.